The Accidental Creative
Back in 2001 I never dreamed of starting a business.
My happy hobby of repurposing vintage jewelry into bracelets turned into a serious enterprise when my mother was on the verge of letting go of her caregiver, Grace. My mother loved Grace, but felt she was too expensive. I loved my mother, so I was determined to take action and pay for Grace.. I invited a few friends to my house for a jewelry party, and they were fascinated by the materials. Every bracelet told them a story.
Soon, the word got out! Without realizing it, I had a terrific business model that was really working.
Quickly I expanded my offerings from bracelets to necklaces and earrings. All these years later I am still producing a continual fresh flow of innovative designs by creating small batches of limited-edition jewelry that appeals to my discriminating customers.
I consider myself a dream weaver, a handmade jewelry designer who reimagines nature’s beauty into textural jewelry to send out into the world and find that perfect soul.